Sunday, January 24, 2010

Google Docs

Google Docs

Google Docs is a free application created by the popular website Google. This website allows for a group of people to have the ability to edit a document. And save it on the website. Google Docs is an improved update of Yahoo Briefcase. If I was working on a document in school and did not have time to finish it I can upload it on Google Docs and then go home recover the document from the website.

It is a combination of word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations. It may not feature everything that Microsoft Word contains but its effectiveness is great. A great benefit to this communication device is that it can be accessed by any computer and by many different people at once.

In a business, Google Docs is used through hospitality, professional services, technology, publishing, etc. Rather than using email services, Google Docs has provided a quicker and easier way to work with documents. Google Docs also contains a secure access control in which allows the document to be private or public. Google Docs has very wide-ranged formats for the documents which also creates a beneficial situation due to the fact that some people prefer PC's over Macs or vice versa. It is not such a great way to get important news across to a wide range of people or to provide a source of entertainment. It focuses on the use of documents in business, everyday life, education, etc.

However, there are some flaws within Google Docs. The security is at a very wide range. Considering the fact that documents are able to be shared allows many people to view that particular document. All in all Google Docs is viewed as an effective program especially in the business world. It acts as a social network in which people communicate and get work done.

Sites used:



LinkedIn was founded in December if 2002. LinkdIn is known to be a business-based social networking site. This social media site has the reputation for being old fashioned, but is a legitimate business tool used by a wide variety of companies, which is very productive. On this specific social networking website people don’t socialize about what they did on their weekend, but instead focus on opportunities and how the network and benefit you.

Some pros about LinkedIn is that is can be used to create publicity not only for your business but a product. It is not always east to contact the media, but many people who have a profile for this website can contact through it. It is not as efficient as Facebook or MySpace as far as the social aspect of it but it can be done through quick email, through the website.

The main purpose of this website it to help people connect with other users in order to accomplish something for their company. You can search the LinkedIn database fir people of specific nature or work so that you can be in contact with someone who can help you the most. People can also search database and find you if you match their search specifications.

As far the entertainment, news, and recreational part of the website they all can play a small role on this website. By searching the website, companies can meet up with the investors for a company, advertisers to get the companies name out to the public, or future clients.

One flaw about LinkedIn (and any other social networking device) is that once you create your page anyone else on the site can view your page. Because of this, you might get offers and requests that do not fit your need and are not what you are looking for. LinkedIn serves several purposes but mostly benefits business.

Facebook & Myspace

MySpace and Facebook

Both Facebook and MySpace are used as a way to keep in touch and or communicate with friends and family. These two online community programs are both good ways to meet new people. Myspace has been around for many years and since Facebook is relatively new, people are now using Myspace mostly for music instead of communication. Facebook and Myspace are also known to be powerful marketing platforms. Both services allow people to upload photos and videos, make comments and send messages.

In the business world people create accounts for either Facebook for MySpace to help make updates related to their business. These two networking service allows business people to share links to resources which is very convenient and useful for their job. These networking devices allow people to check contact information between people if it is needed. Recently however, Facebook has become a lot more popular in the business world just because the profile pages are excellent for allowing consumers and other interested parties to explore and connect with your business. If a lot of people are looking at your page weather its Myspace or Facebook you are definitely doing something right and connecting with your audience.

These two social networking devices are also excellent ways for entertainment, news, and recreational purposes. On both of these websites you will notice adds and advertisements all over the page. When millions of people are on this website a day, there is no better way to reach the audience. As far as news is concerned Facebook is an excellent way to spread news quick and efficiently.

Although there are many benefits to these social networking websites there are also some flaws. One major flaw especially to young people is the abuse of the website. Some people live on these websites give out to much information and do not even realize the repercussions of what they are posting. There has been many cases when student lost their scholarships’ because of what they were talking about or the pictures they had up of themselves.

Overall these two social networking devices are great ways to communicate and stay in touch with people. It is also great in the business, entertainment, news and recreational world. It has impacted our society and they way people communicate tremendously. There is many pros but can also have cons if not used correctly.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Anthony Morea
BCA / P.4
Mr. Hennings
30, November 2009
Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets The 140-character limit on message or "tweet" length was initially set for compatibility with SMS messaging, and has brought to the web the kind of shorthand notation and slang commonly used in SMS messages or txt’s through cell phones. The 140-character limit has also created the usage of URL shortening services. Twitter is the third most used social network based on the count of 6 million unique monthly visitors and 55 million monthly visits. As far as twitter in the business world, there are many opinions on whether it is good or bad. There are many people that think it is a great way to network with industry contacts and keep people updated on company happenings. There are also some who think different and believe the concept of the site is overrated. Following everyone you can find, is probably not the best idea, and posting tweet after tweet without any interaction with the community defeats the purpose. My personal reaction to the whole idea of twitter is that if it is used right and not abused it can be helpful and useful. It’s important to go in with a realistic mindset, and completely committed to making the most of it. But then again different things work with different companies. I think if you abuse twitter and are always on it, it negatively affects your social ability and communication with people. I believe this is especially true with young people, because when your young and grow up with this kind of technology and communication, you might consider it a way of living and communicating with others. Pick up the phone and call someone, or go see them and talk and person. You shouldn’t rely on sending little messages a way of communicating. As far as News is concerned twitter can be a positive asset to that area. You can find out things quickly especially because in the News world you are always on your phone or the Internet talking to people. What better way of finding out information than talking to somebody. Depending on who you are talking twitter can be a positive network device, if used properly. If not used right there can be possible repercussions that can follow you and mess up something important in your life.
Citation Websites

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Grades... Happy Thanksgiving =)

My grades for first quarter are not as good as i wanted them to be. Although my overall average was 3.2 ( B+) there is alwasys room for improvement. The two classes i plan to improve in are humanity and empathy and math. I have to give a little more effort and hopefully i will succeed. I know that my parents will be happy with my report card. Although they look at the grades, they also take a look at the comments which always mean alot to them. All my comments on my report card are good so i think it will be a happy thanksgiving at the morea house hold.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Family Traditions

In my family there are many tradtions, especailly on the holidays. One holiday that is coming up is Thanksgiving. Every thanksgiving my sister comes down to our house. We eat and watch football all day. There are many foods that are always served at the table that is part of the tradition on thanksgiving. My personal favorite would have to be the sweet potatos. After we are finshed eating and we all get a little nap in we go see a late movie. Traditions mean alot to me and my fmaily becasue it gives us memories and makes us closer together.

Friday, November 20, 2009

First Quarter Grades

I think my grades for this quarter are a little above average, with the expections of A's in a few classes.Some of these classes are college business law, BCA, and forensics. It is my senior year so i have been very lazy this year. I do not do any of my homework and never take the time to study. Altough i did fairly well first quarter,i plan to improve my work ethics this for this quarter.